Building a Relaxation Algorithm for Linear Optimization Problems
In this post, I will talk about why infeasible optimization problems are so common and how to solve them. Then I will add my own implementation of FeasOpt, the CPLEX algorithm for constraint relaxation, and finally some discussion on the limitations of this algorithm.
- Why infeasible problems are so common
- Most easy-to-implement solution methods (Elastic Constraints and Penalization Methods)
- The limitations of these methods
- The CPLEX approach and the FeasOpt algorithm
- Finding Irreducible Infeasible Sets (IIS)
- My implementation of a hierarchy-based relaxation algorithm
Why infeasible problems are so common
While I was studying my master’s degree, I attend to a thesis presentation from a student working in an airport operator company. The operator was trying to optimize the worker’s shift scheduling -also known as a rostering problem-. I still remember the student’s presentation, not because of the model solution, but from the story behind.
The company was expecting this model to reduce the cost of course, why else would you spend time and money building a model?. However, the model solution was actually worse than the manual-solution. The explanation behind is that for a long time the company had been breaking the law “relaxing constraints” by scheduling workers for more hours or days than allowed. The model, of course, was not able to break the law, was infeasible.
From the presentation I learn that don’t break the law mathematical optimization models are not very “flexible” when modeling constraints from “real life”. Finding ways of adding a way of relaxing constraints is very needed for solving real-world problems.
More often than not, you will face problems like this:
- We want to build a rocket that can reach Mars.
- It should cost less than $100.
- It has to be built in 5 months.
- It must weight 250 grams.
However, reality will hit you in the form of a: solver finished, model status: unfeasible
. Yes, mathematical models can’t solve unreal expectations. It would be handful not to write the constraints like rules written in stone, but use them as “guidelines” for the problem. Finding “the best possible solution” that breaks the “fewer constraints as possible” is the dream.
This is the goal of “relaxation-algorithms”, how to relax the constraints the minimum as possible whilst finding a feasible solution. Let’s talk about how to do this.
The “easy-to-implement” solutions
On the open source world, the solvers usually have an implementation of the “Elastic Constraints”(tutorial) or “relaxation via objective function penalization”.
The Elastic Constraint method, consist on defining a region $D$ where the constraint can be relaxed, penalty free. Usually $D$ is defined by a lower and upper bound $D = [d_{\text{low}},d_{\text{high}}]$ , along with a penalty cost rhs
, lhs
in case we move out of the region.
In PuLP, one of the most popular free-LP solvers available, there is implementation of this method. However, in documentation its not very clear on how this constraint are relaxed, but based on the tutorial, it seems like this will add a penalization term into the objective function $(1)$, which is manually added into the definition of the elastic constraint [l]rhs
It is not clear if the solver relaxes the constraints on the same optimization problem as $(1)$, or if it solves a sub-optimization problem such as $(2)$
\[\min {\delta_{high}*lhs + \delta_{low}*rhl} \tag{2}\] \[\text{st. } x \in S\]$\delta_{i}$ corresponds to the constraint deviation, also known as “slack variable”.
In my experience, implementing elastic constraints using PuLP, the results were widely inconsistent. My guess is that the implementation is more similar to $(1)$ than to $(2)$, but for reasons that I will explain later, I don’t like either of both.
A second alternative is the “Penalization Method”. This method is nothing more than a generalization of $(1)$. The idea is to customize the way in which constraint is penalized on the objective function. Additionally, you can normalize these values when dealing with multiple infeasibilities or transform them into non-linear terms (using approximations).
Both of these methods are simple and can be implemented easily. However, they are very limited and often inconsistent.
Limitations of these methods
These methods work well for simple infeasibility problems. However, in my experience, these relaxation methods come with some nuances:
- These methods typically require manual fixed costs (EX:
), which are tricky to define. Also, depending on the values used, it can harm the original optimization problem, this is because changing the objective function can have unexpected consequences. - The relaxation process either relaxes all “relaxable” constraints or not. For feasible problems or those with only “local infeasibilities”, the model implementation can become very unreliable.
- Depending on the defined penalty costs, it is possible that the model relaxes a constraint that doesn’t need to be relaxed (if the gain in the objective function is good enough), and this is very hard to control.
- When more than one constraint is relaxed, it’s possible that the value of the objective function becomes so disproportionate that the optimal solution makes no sense.
- It can be challenging to balance different cost constraints with different magnitudes, especially when prioritizing certain constraints over others. This process can be tedious and manual.
In summary, these methods are usually unreliable and complex. That’s why “serious solvers” have implemented more robust solutions like CPLEX feasopt.
The feasopt
before talking about how feastopt
works, let’s talk about what does it brings:
only relaxes constraints when necessary. The algorithm does not modify the objective function of the original problem by adding punishment costs or any other type of gibberish.feasopt
does not relax all relaxable constraints when solving an infeasible problem. It only relaxes what is necessary based on a priority order.feasopt
provides a constraint priority order. This means that when faced with infeasibility, it will only relax the lowest level constraints possible until the problem becomes feasible. However, it will only relax constraints that make the problem infeasible, not all constraints at the same level.- Only when two or more constraints of different levels need to be relaxed will an arbitrary cost come into play. However, this should not happen very often.
Given all this benefits I decided to create my own version of feasopt
so, let’s talk about how it works. In a nutshell, feasopt
separates this problem into two algorithms. The “Conflict Finder” and the “Conflict Relaxer”.
graph LR
A[Infeasible Optimization Problem]
A --> B[ConflictFinder]
B --> C[ConflictRelaxer]
C --> B
Let’s discuss the ConflictFinder
algorithm in more detail.
The ConflictFinder
The ConflictFinder is an algorithm that searches for sets of constraints that cannot be reduced further, also known as Irreducible Infeasible Sets (IIS). These sets contain a group of constraints that, if any one of them is eliminated, the problem becomes feasible. For example, the set of constraints:
\[x\ge1\] \[x\le0\]Is an IIS because it cannot be reduced further. On the other hand, the set of constraints:
\[x\ge1\] \[x\ge2\] \[x\le0\]Is an infeasible set but can still be reduced further, so it is not an IIS. There are several basic algorithms that can help solve this problem, and I have implemented a few of them described in the publication by Olivier Guieu and John W. Chinneck (1998).
I have implemented two algorithms, DELETION_FILTER
, in this module. In a nutshell, both algorithms eliminate or add constraints until they reach the IIS (Irreducible Infeasible Sets).
An example of its use:
import mip
import conflict
# Create a new model
model = mip.Model()
x = model.add_var(name="x")
y = model.add_var(name="y")
model.add_constr(x + y <= 1)
model.add_const(x + y >= 2)
model.objective = mip.maximize(x + y)
# Solve the model
status = model.optimize()
print(f"Solution status: {status}")
# find the IIS
cf = conflict.ConflictFinder(model)
iis = cf.find_iis(method=conflict.IISFinderAlgorithm.DELETION_FILTER)
Now, having a way to find an IIS we are one step to make our own feasopt
The Conflict Relaxer
Inspired by feasopt
I added into the python-mip library into the constraint class mip.Constr
a priority
attribute. This attribute its just an Enum
that will tell me if the constraint has one of the following ConstraintPriorities
# constraints levels
We developed a first version of the relaxation algorithm hierarchy_relaxer
that will consist basically of iteratively searching for IIS, to then, solve a sub-optimization problem that relaxes the constraints on the minimum amount possible until the IIS is feasible, Then we include the relaxed constraints (constraints + slack values) on the original problem and solve again.
graph TB
M[Infeasible Model]
M --> CF[ConflictFinder]
CF -- IIS --> N{is relaxable?}
subgraph ConflictRelaxer
direction TB
N -- No --> inf((Infeasible Problem))
N -- Yes --> SO[Sub-optimization problem]
SO --> RP[Add relaxed constraints to SubProblem]
RP --> C{is feasible?}
C -- Yes --> FP((Solved IIS))
C -- No, increase relaxation level --> N
As you may have noticed, there is a MANDATORY
level for constraints that should never be relaxed. If the IIS only contains mandatory constraints at the lowest level, the problem will be infeasible. This is the purpose of the "is relaxable?"
The sub-optimization problem that we will solve involves minimizing the sum of the slack variables, subject to the constraints of the IIS that are at the relaxable level. We always start with the lowest level on the IIS, and if it’s not feasible, we increase the levels by one until the IIS is feasible or we reach the mandatory level. In the latter case, we have found an infeasible problem.
\[\min \sum_{i \in IIS}{|S_{i}*C_{lvl}(lvl(i))|}\] \[\text{st. } g_{i}(x)+ S_{i} = 0 \quad \forall{i} \in \text{Relaxed Levels}\] \[g_{i}(x) = 0 \quad \forall{i} \in \text{Higher Levels}\]On the objective function of this sub-optimization problem, we add a cost that increases for higher levels. This is how we can handle situations where more than one level is being relaxed simultaneously. The cost is $10^{lvl}$ times higher for level $lvl$.
The slack value $S_i$ represents the amount by which a given constraint is relaxed. Since each constraint can have different sensitivities ($\le$, $\ge$, $=$), we add a slack variable to relax the bound accordingly. Finally, the code for this algorithm is available again in the same
cr = conflict.ConflictRelaxer(model=model)
relaxed_model = cr.hierarchy_relaxer(relaxer_objective='min_abs_slack_val')
print(cr.iis_num_iterations) # number of IIS iterations
print(cr.iis_iterations) # list of IIS iterations (constraintLists of each iteration)
print(cr.relax_slack_iterations) # list of dicts with {crt:slack_value} on each IIS iteration
print(cr.slack_by_crt) # summary of all relaxation values (slacks) of all constraints when finished
Some limitations
There are a few limitations to this algorithm:
The sub-problem objective function is the absolute value of the slacks, so it’s the same for the problem to relax one or ten constraints that sum up to the same value.
has other objective function alternatives, such as $\sum S^2$ or the number of violated constraints, and so on. In this implementation, we only consider the sum of the absolute values.There are scenarios when a set of constraints can be alternated in very inefficient ways, making this algorithm take forever to complete. It’s a weird scenario, but I’ve experienced it. It happens when a large set of constraints needs to be relaxed against a higher-level constraint, and we sub-select them one by one against the other one in an eternal iteration. To fix this, I added a
parameter that implements a modified version of this algorithm. When finding an IIS, it will include all the constraints of the lower level in the original problem relax them all at once, and keep going. Yes, I know, it’s very non-elegant, but it helps in situations like the one described above.This approach does not solve for the “Integer Infeasibilities” problem. The paper provides a detailed explanation of how to identify and address these infeasibilities, but it is a more complex issue to resolve. Adding integer constraints and their relaxations can be a completely different problem. In our approach, we assume that the nature of the variable (i.e., the integer constraints) is mandatory and therefore never relaxed.
Final thoughts
I learned a lot building this relaxer. I did a pull request on the python-mip repo to add this module. However, I have updated it and failed to do the pull request again. Also, I never added this to the package documentation, so I doubt that anyone has used it besides me. This post is the first attempt to document this algorithm. Let’s hope that someone reads it. If you are interested and I haven’t pushed the pull request on the repository yet, if you find it useful, motivate me to do the PR 😂. Thanks !!!